“Prof. Dr. Rania Mohammed Hathout,
Professor and Head of Department of Pharmaceutics and Industrial Pharmacy, Faculty of Pharmacy, Ain shams University.
Prof. Rania has graduated amongst the first class (class 2000) of faculty of Pharmacy Ain Shams University where she was appointed as a TA and started her academic career, took her master in 2006 and PhD in 2010 after a channel scheme between ASU and University of Bath, UK. After, she was granted post-doctoral grants in Netherlands and the UK. Prof. Rania possesses an H-index of 31 in SCOPUS and 33 in Google scholar and is ranked amongst the highest 12 in ASU since its foundation. She has been globally recognized for her scientific excellence being selected as a finalist in the UK alumni awards (2021-2022) and being ranked among the top 2% most impacting scientists worldwide for two successive years; 2020 and 2021. She has a publication that was ranked amongst the top 1% papers in Pharmacology and Pharmacy according to Web of Science (2017-2020). Prof. Rania also has an article selected by the American Chemical Society as one of the best articles in Africa-2020 and to be featured in its special Virtual Issue “Chemistry in Africa: Open & Global”.
In 2022, Prof. Rania has recently been selected by women of Egypt organization funded by L’Oreal Paris foundation to be one of the top distinguished 100 women in Egypt and Hall of Fame in the Science field as she was awarded the State award in Cancer treatment, August 2021 and Prof. Dr. Sediq Afifi prize in Scientific Research, Innovation and Arts, June 2021. She was also awarded Obada International prize awarded from the Natural Sciences Publisher and funded from the African Academy of Sciences, February 2020.
Prof. Rania is also an awarder of the Egyptian State Excellence award (2021), Egyptian State Excellence Medal (Accolade) of the highest class (2017), the Egyptian State Incentive award (2014), the State award in the field of medicine and medical products (2017), the State award in the field of medical genetics (2016), the European Science foundation (France) award (2013), Lancaster University Young Researchers grant (2016), INNOVINC Foundation (USA) grant (2019), the best presentation in the Frontiers Meetings Ltd, London, UK (2019). She also received Wiley most downloaded certificate (2017-2018) and Elsevier hottest article certificate for the most downloaded researches (2011). Prof. Rania was also awarded Misr-Elkheir foundation prize for the best research for the two years 2010 and 2012 and a grant from Misr El-Kheir foundation to attend an International Conference in Toledo Spain (2013), EIPICO Pharmaceutical prize for supervising the best graduation project (2018) and MinaPharm Pharmaceutical prize for supervising the best graduation project (2019), supervised the best graduation projects at faculty of Pharmacy, Ain Shams University (2016 & 2017), supervised the best thesis in the British University in Egypt (2019), supervised the best Ph.D. Presentation award and the best M.Sc. graphical presentation award (Prof. Abdel-Hamid El-Shamy prizes, 2021), and the best M.Sc. thesis (Prof. Ahmed Shawky Prize, 2022) Dept. of Pharmaceutics& Industrial Pharmacy, Faculty of Pharmacy, Ain Shams University. She was also granted Ain Shams University international publication awards for several years. Recently, she has won the best oral presentation award from the 14th International Society of Phytocosmetic Science Conference – held virtually and onsite in collaboration with Fayoum University, Fayoum, Egypt (10-12 May, 2022).Additionally, Prof. Rania has developed several new advanced courses and modules and was awarded several excellences in teaching certificates from faculty of Pharmacy, Ain Shams University and was honoured from faculty of Computer and Information Sciences, Ain Shams University. She holds a Pharmaceutical Bioinformatics certificate from Uppsala University, Sweden (Scored the highest grade). Prof. Rania is an Associate Editor-in-Chief at the Artificial cells, Nanomedicine and Biotechnology (Taylor& Francis Publisher) Impact factor: 5.678 and an Editor in Scientific Reports, I.F. 4.379 and Topic editor in Pharmaceutics (I.F. 6.321) and Biomedicines (I.F. 6.081) and several other international journals. She has authored 2 books and 9 book chapters and 80 international publications in highly prestigious journals and participated as a speaker in more than 70 international and national conferences and workshops, supervised several theses in different universities and is a member of many prestigious scientific societies and a scientific consultant in several Pharmaceutical companies. She is a member of the Higher Council of Research of Ain Shams University (Dec 2020 till current) and a collaborating scientist with several prestigious international universities and science academies in the UK, Netherlands, Sweden and recently Spain and Russia.
Her research is especially interested in “nanomedicine” and she always compares the nanoparticles that carry drugs to the Trojan horse that has been able to introduce the Greek army (Drugs) into the city of Troy (cells) despite its highly protective walls (cell membranes). Prof. Rania is also the pioneer of the computational Pharmaceutics (Pharmaceutics Informatics) school in Egypt which include the integration of modelling and simulation of drug carriers and the exploitation of mathematical relationships, artificial intelligence and machine learning methods in the selection of the most appropriate pairs between the drugs and their carriers in the body.